Mobile chicken coop plans are a great idea if you want to give your chickens the ability to roam around and graze on fresh grass regularly. It's the best of both worlds. Not only do your chickens get fresh grass, but they will also help to keep your lawn trimmed. DIY Mobile chicken coop plans are also a good idea because it allows you to move them around in order to provide adequate space for them to roam. If you're only able to have a small yard, this is an excellent way to ensure that they're still able to move around enough.
DIY Mobile Chicken Coop For Chicken Farmers
Building a mobile chicken coop is simple, but it can be time-consuming depending on how much you want from it. You can build one that's as simple or as complex as you'd like. It all depends on what you're looking for in your mobile chicken coop. If you want something that's easy and basic, then following one of the plans below will work perfectly well for you. There are plenty of plans out there that teach you how to build an affordable mobile chicken coop. Just make sure that it has enough space for the chickens and that it's safe from predators.
Mobile Triangle-shaped Chicken Coop
This poultry coop is easy to construct! The DIY Mobile Triangle-shaped Chicken Coop features durable wire mesh for ventilation and protection, and a sturdy wood frame with a shingled roof. It's easy to move from inside under the cover or outside in the dirt, this keeps birds safe from predators while they roam freely. This is a DIY Mobile Chicken Coop. It's collapsible so you can move it easily. A stable triangle-shaped design makes the chicken feel safe and happy. Making use of the space in your yard, this portable chicken coop lets you grow fresh eggs and save money on grocery store prices.
This original DIY mobile chicken coop is a must-have addition to any backyard farmer’s arsenal. Made of durable galvanized, powder-coated steel and sufficient enough to house two or three adult chickens, this easy-to-move unit feature a protective roof and large double doors that offer easy in and out access for your feathered friends.
DIY Portable Chicken Coops
Are you tired of going to the grocery store and spending top dollar on frozen chicken products? You need this chicken coop plan! DIY Portable Chicken Coops are awesome and easy to make. They are perfect for chickens, turkeys, ducks, or other fowl. Constructed of thick unfinished lumber that is rot and rodent proof and critter resistant, most standard models can be constructed in a single weekend. All hardware is pre-drilled so you only need basic tools. Comes with step-by-step building plans. These portable coops allow you to store them away when you're done with them and then quickly assemble them when you're ready to work with the chickens again.
A-Frame Chicken Coop Tractor
Make chicken tending as easy as child's play with the A-Frame Chicken Coop Tractor. This handy accessory makes keeping your chicken coop tidy a breeze, and it comes with wheels so you can easily move the tractor to and from your coop. Simply attach it to the coop using the included clamp, and you're ready to go. And, when you're done tending to your brood, just detach the A-Frame Chicken Coop Tractor from the coop and you're ready to head off on your next backyard adventure. It is a sturdy portable shelter for your flock that provides a safe place for the smaller animals to sleep at night and a coop where you can collect eggs during the day. This all-in-one chicken tractor makes it easy to move your chickens as you work the garden because they can graze while they follow along behind you.
DIY ChickShaw
The DIY ChickShaw is a portable chicken coop that’s perfect for when you’re on the move. It offers excellent protection from predators and the elements while still allowing your hens to graze. It even includes a hinged roof so you can easily access your chickens. It’s got a sturdy slide-down door for when you want to let them out to roam and it even has two handles so you can safely lift it when moving from place to place. The coop is easy to assemble and disassemble and comes with detailed illustrated instructions. Simply roll the ChickShaw into the roosting area, load it up with birds, and away you go. It won’t harm your birds to ride, so they can still enjoy the health benefits of grazing and seeing new pastures daily.
Surprisingwoman’s Chicken Coop Tractor
Surprisingwoman’s Chicken Coop Tractor is a simple addition to your chicken farm that you can build yourself from recycled materials for a very low cost. It follows the lines of an old cabinet, so construction is easy, and it has two long arms in the front that you can use to hold your chickens and let them roam as they please. It’s best for smaller flocks of only a few chickens; its compact size means it’s not big enough to hold many birds.
It is a great tractor for moving your chickens around their coop. It has two long arms that you can hold, and two wheels in the back for pulling it. Plus, it’s simple to build! It’s made from an old cabinet, so it’s highly durable. The wheels are made from four pieces of wood. Surprisingwoman used it to move her chickens into their new coop, which they like very much!
Perfect Portable Chicken Coop
The Perfect Portable Chicken Coop is a portable chicken coop that’s covered half in corrugated metal for protection from the elements, and half is covered in chicken wire to allow for fresh air, sunlight, and grazing. There’s a metal handle that protrudes from the front, making for easy transportation by a single person. Although this coop is large, it’s still a simple and portable build. The bottom half is metal for protection from the elements, and the top half is covered in chicken wire for ventilation and grazing access. The large door swings open to provide full access to your chickens, which will love free-ranging in this spacious coop! Help your chickens safely enjoy the great outdoors!
DIY Portable Chicken Chook Dome
Now you can have a movable chicken chook dome. Like the original chicken chook dome plans, this DIY Portable Chicken Chook Dome is built in the shape of a geodesic dome. This means it offers plenty of room for your chickens to roam around and graze. However, unlike the original chicken chook dome, this one is made from PVC pipes which are plenty strong and easy to put together. It also has holes on its external walls so predators cannot get in but sunlight can still come through. The DIY Portable Chicken Chook Dome offers your chickens plenty of room to graze and roam while still being movable by a single person. The mainframe is easy to put together since it's made from PVC, while the chicken wire covering provides plenty of ventilation and keeps out predators, allowing you to move your chicken dome around if needed.
Large Tractor Coop

This tractor chicken coop is the perfect size for the large family flock! It’s wide, offering ample interior space for your fowl. There’s even a watering system built-in to keep them well hydrated. Large wheels make it easy to move despite its larger size so you can get around. Get instructions here. Whether it’s a large fowl or a small flock, you’ll find this Large Tractor Chicken Coop is a great choice for your birds. It is built from the bottom up with sturdy steel plating, heavy-duty chicken wire, and a one-inch hardware cloth. It’s big enough to sleep up to fourteen chickens so if you have some that like to roost together, the whole family can snuggle together inside without hitting their antennae.
Mesh Chicken Tractor
The Mesh Chicken Tractor is a basic, but highly effective method of keeping chickens in a yard that’s also good for them. When you build your own chicken tractor, you can anticipate a healthy annual egg production as well as provide your birds with fresh grass and bugs. This DIY project is easy to build, move, and rust-proof. The innovative design allows you to keep your flock undercover while allowing them plenty of room to roam. Their coop is located in the center with the grassy run around it--ideal for chickens! It is a basic chicken tractor that anyone can build on a budget and is lightweight and easy to move around so it can be used in different areas of your yard if you need to change things up. It is also easy to clean when needed and offers your birds plenty of room for exercise.
Sadie Lane Tractor
If you are looking for a great chicken tractor design that allows your birds to be mobile, then this is it. The Sadie Lane Tractor Mobile Chicken Coop is the answer to anyone, who is looking for the easiest way to keep their chickens safe and secure. A mobile chicken coop offers a lot of advantages, like helping your chickens stay healthy so they can lay plenty of eggs for you. It’s a little more complex than a stationary coop, but still easy to build and sturdy enough to last you for many years. This mobile chicken coop, which is also called a chicken tractor or chicken ark, can be assembled easily, moved around at your convenience, and offer a lot of space for your chickens to live comfortable lives.
Cluckingham Palace Chicken Coop Tractor
Do you want the Queen’s chickens to live in an environment equal to or greater than she has? Then the Cluckingham Palace Chicken Coop Tractor is what you’re looking for! The Cluckingham Palace (TM) Chicken Coop Tractor is a new, exciting chicken coop design that uses a wider wheelbase to provide more stability while still having the ability to be moved by a single person with manageable effort. Four wheels make it easy to move by a single person with no lifting required. The Cluckingham Palace has two living rooms, two roosts, and two nest boxes with walk-in access from the outside. Windows and flower boxes can be opened for ventilation and maintenance, or closed for colder temperatures. This stylish chicken tractor comes equipped with windows, flower boxes, and four wheels that make it easy to move. No lifting is required.
Long Chicken Tractor
If you’d like to have chickens, but your property doesn’t lend itself to a managed coop and run, this is the solution! Designed for small lots, our innovative walk-in Long Chicken Tractor provides your girls with plenty of walking space and protection from the elements on one end—while the other end houses their safe and warm home. This unique design includes wheels you can use to move the home if needed, a pull handle on one side for moving it around your lot, and two roll-out doors—one at the chicken-end and one in their cozy home. Take a look at the photos above to learn more; if you’re thinking of keeping chickens, how cool would it be to build this yourself?
A Bayou Swamp Coop
Built for ultimate mobility, the Bayou Swamp Coop from the Southern States is a great choice for chicken owners on the go. The Bayou Swamp Coop is easily one of the most unique coops you've seen. This four-wheel chicken coop has large clearance tires that make it easy to move around lawns and fields. It also comes with windows for good ventilation and natural light, as well as an ample size for multiple birds. The large door easily opens for great access, and there’s a lockable latch that keeps predators away. With plenty of space for your birds, move it from area to area as needed and give your chickens fresh air and sunlight on a daily basis. The four heavy-duty tires provide excellent roll-over clearance, and the whole unit can easily be carried by the handle attached to the top.
Portable Chicken Coop Plan
If you're looking for a chicken coop plan that's easy to clean and you can move anywhere in the garden, this is it! It has a 'deep litter' system which means there is less work for you as all you have to do is rake the droppings onto the grass underneath. This portable chicken coop plan is a lightweight way to keep your favorite hen safe and happy anywhere you go. The design of this portable chicken coop allows you to fill the swing with straw, hay, or wood pellets to provide a comfortable surface for the chickens to perch on. It also has a removable tray on the bottom to collect moisture and food drops; that would otherwise contaminate the ground.
DIY Chicken Coop
This DIY Chicken Coop Plan is easy to build and will give you a wonderful and useful experience. The Chicken Coop is fun to build and great for keeping your flock safe and secure. Keep chickens in the front yard so you can watch the eggs roll out, or keep them in the backyard where they can roam freely. Whichever size you choose, the DIY Chicken Coop features a smoothly finished interior, adjustable roosts; attachable nesting boxes that let you customize to fit your flock. Building this coop is a great way to pass an afternoon with family or friends; a reminder that there's always something new to build.